:en:frost weathering ne demek?

Frost weathering is a geological process that involves the physical breakdown of rocks due to repeated freeze-thaw cycles. When water freezes, it expands and creates pressure on the surrounding rock, causing cracks and fissures to form. As the ice melts, the pressure is released, further breaking up the rock. Over time, this process can lead to the formation of talus slopes and scree fields.

Frost weathering is most common in areas where the temperature fluctuates above and below freezing point, such as in high-altitude regions and polar environments. The process can also be influenced by the type of rock, as some rocks are more susceptible to weathering than others.

In addition to being a geological process, frost weathering can also have impacts on human structures such as roads and buildings. Freeze-thaw cycles can lead to the deterioration of concrete and other building materials, causing expensive repairs and maintenance.